Hand hält iPhones

Buying a used iPhone: What you should look out for

If you are looking for a good used or refurbished iPhone, you not only want to save money, but you also want to be sure to get a good product.

These tips will help you decide on the right used iPhone:

1. Warranty.
The first step is to find a reputable seller. A reputable seller will usually offer a warranty on their products. It is often worth paying a little more for a longer warranty, as it gives you a safeguard against technical problems later on.

2. The device has undergone a technical check.
When buying a used iPhone, it is important to pay careful attention to the condition of the device. After all, you want to get a functioning and technically flawless device. The seller should provide all information about the device. Has it been reset to factory settings? Do the display and connections work correctly? Or are there any technical defects?

3. The seller provides information about visible defects.
Used iPhones can have visible signs of use. It is important that the seller is open about this. Does he describe the condition of the refurbished iPhone?

4. The battery capacity is at least 80 percent.
Batteries are wearing parts - even if the used iPhone was treated with care, the capacity will decrease over time. However, with a value of 80 percent or more, the battery is considered to have the highest capacity. Only at a value of less than 80 percent does the runtime decrease noticeably.

In general, used iPhones are available at a very reasonable price thanks to the increasing demand. However, if you want to get not only good prices but also a good product, you should always pay attention to the criteria mentioned above.

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